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Public Talk - Understanding and Managing Stress- 5 Ways of Getting Closer to a Stress Free Life

HPA Exis

Humans experience a certain degree of stress almost daily, and this is especially true nowadays in the 24/7 world we live in.

Looking underneath the surface of stress, an elegant balance of stimuli and responses emerges. Some degrees of stress may be considered a normal aspect of life; however, if it reaches critical levels can have a number of negative effects. Generally, high stress levels occur when an individual fails to respond appropriately to “threats”, such as a deadline, an exam or a job interview. While everyone experiences the symptoms of the stress response, few are aware of the underlying mechanisms.

Join us in a journey to explore the different aspects of stress. Join us to gain a better understanding of the physiological and emotional mechanisms of stress, and learn important skills to manage it better.

The event was hosted by the Physiologist Dr Luigi Vorluni and Life Coach Andrea Venig.

The event involved talks by the hosts, as well as participant interaction and group work.

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